With the largest contained number of
evergreens in Central Park, well over 425
representing 27 species the 4-acre
Ross Pinetum is truly a miniature pine
Funded in 1971 by Arthur Ross, a New
York philanthropist, it has become an
attraction for Park visitors, residents
and bird watchers.
Evergreens have been very important to
the Park and Olmsted and Vaux added
numerous varieties of White pine and
Himalayan pines along the drive from
72nd Street to 102nd Street, which
was named "Winter Drive".
The evergreens offered the spirit of life to
the drab New York winter with its color
and natural geometry. Along with
spruces and firs, winter in the Park had
a special character, especially when
blankets of snow draped the green pines.
Cherished for their beauty and refreshing
sent, this current collection of pines
includes Black Pine, Scotch Pine, Stone
Pine and Lacebark Pine among others.
With its few picnic tables the Pinetum
is a special place to stop for an outdoor
lunch, to stroll along the circular path
that is the inner border of the Pinetum,
read or even throw down a blanket for a
rest in the shade of an evergreen.